Do you have a faulty power source?  Is your electricity not working at full capacity as it should be? You could possibly have a power fault underground. Damage to a power line can lead to voltage breakdown that results in intermittent power, power interruption, or it being cut off altogether. Vermont Underground Locators (VTUL) can help you locate a power fault or broken line!


Damage to an underground cable can happen for many reasons. Most often it’s because there was no knowledge of the line being underground before work in that area was performed. For example, installing a fence without knowing the power line was below and subsequently causing damage to the line or even breaking it. This is exactly what happened with one of VTUL’s clients – pictured here! We were able to help them diagnose and fix the issue so that power to the building was no longer interrupted.

We use a method of an A Frame Fault Locator and Receiver. As long as the power line is direct buried and not in conduit we can locate the break or cut in a line. An electrician is needed onsite to disconnect the line from each end point of the transmission line. At that point we can distinguish which leg of the line is the faulty one. After that, we send a signal into the earth and the A Frame is used to pinpoint the exact location of the break.

So if you’ve noticed an interruption in power, or things don’t seem to be working at their full capacity as they should, give VTUL a call today at 802-879-6331 or contact us online